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12 Zodiac

 12 Zodiac Characteristics and Personality    :                                    

The following explanation on personality characteristics of signs of zodiac will help you understand the basic traits of each sun sign in short. Read on to know the common zodiac characteristics that you share with fellow members of your star sign.


Latin Name: Aries
English Translation: The Ram
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Mars
Element: Fire. It is a cardinal sign.

Characteristics and Personality

The Aries zodiac sign is the 1st sign of the zodiac. The Aries people are willful, feisty, self-centered, courageous, bold, foolhardy, independent and straightforward.


The career suited for Aries people includes any work in the supervisory or leader position. They need to be in control and therefore will not shy from taking the lead. 


They tend to be a bit aggressive in love and very intent. They are extremely faithful with their partner if they are happy in a relationship.

Negative Traits

They are cold hearted, reckless and ruthless. 

Compatible Signs

Leo and Sagittarius


Latin Name: Taurus
English Translation: The Bull
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Venus
Element: Earth. It is included in the fixed signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Taurus zodiac sign is the 2nd sign of the zodiac. The Taurus people are practical, creative, loyal, possessive, temperamental, sensually indulgent, down-to-earth, dependable, persistent and practical.


The career suited for Taurus people is any routine job with a stable boss as they are dutiful employees.


The Taurus people are loyal partners, affectionate, possessive and love to demonstrate their love physically.

Negative Traits

They are really jealous, inflexible and resentful people.

Compatible Signs

Capricorns and Virgos


Latin Name: Gemini
English Translation: The Twins
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Mercury
Element: Air. It is included in the mutable signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Gemini zodiac sign is the 3rd sign of the zodiac. The Gemini people are curious, elusive, unpredictable, changeable, versatile, childlike, romantic, playful, friendly, talkative and have a keen intellect.


The career suited for Gemini people are writer, communicator, etc. They hate to follow routines, while jobs with incentives give them a kick. They tend to change jobs frequently as they get bored easily and need challenges in their jobs.


The Gemini people are supportive partners and are found to be independent, creative and inventive in bed.

Negative Traits

They are known to have two personalities and can turn out to be confusing and intriguing at the same time.

Compatible Signs

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.


Latin Name: Cancer
English Translation: The Crab
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Moon
Element: Water. It is included in the cardinal signs

Characteristics and Personality

The Cancer zodiac sign is the 4th sign of the zodiac. The Cancer people are cautious, protective, nurturing, secretive, instinctive, needy, sensitive, funny, empathetic and deeply complex people.


Cancer people are suited for the business world. They excel in family businesses and like to serve others and take care of others. They do not like working alone.


The Cancer people love deeply, like to please their partners with their all-consuming love.

Negative Traits

They are moody and too needy people. They have lot of mood swings as their characteristics are based on emotions.

Compatible Signs

Scorpio and Pisces


Latin Name: Leo
English Translation: The Lion
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Sun
Element: Fire. It is included in the fixed signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Leo zodiac sign is the 5th sign of the zodiac. The Leos are distinctive, provocative, demanding, goal-oriented, flamboyant, self-made, warm, outgoing, sincere and loyal people.


The career suited for Leos is as a team leader, where they get recognition and are able to work independently.


They are faithful partners who demand loyalty from their partners. They are very amorous lovers.

Negative Traits

They are bossy, conceited, intolerant and have a false pride.

Compatible Signs

Aries, Sagittarius and to some extent Libra


Latin Name: Virgo
English Translation: The Virgin
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth. It is included in the mutable signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Virgo zodiac sign is the 6th sign of the zodiac. The Virgos are discriminating, obsessive, realistic, analytical, reliable, self-contained, knowledgeable, predictable, obsessive, discriminating, street-smart, detailed and modest people.


They are workaholics and overachievers. They tend to over-analyze things and for them work is life.


They are intellectual and detached partners who believe in an equal give and take relationship.

Negative Traits

They are introvert, judgmental and people who do not forgive easily .

Compatible Signs

Taurus and Capricorn


Latin Name: Libra
English Translation: The Scales
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Venus
Element” Air. It is included in the cardinal signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Libra zodiac sign is the 7th sign of the zodiac. The Libra is the only zodiac sign that has an inanimate object, the scales, as its symbol. Librans are harmonious, civilized, intellectual, sophisticated, seductive, elegant, creative, witty, balanced, sociable and people who maintain their status quo.


They are extremely intellectual and need jobs that are mentally stimulating and do not follow a routine. They need a balanced job that is ordered and challenging. They are excellent networkers and take a look at every aspect of the job before completing it. They excel in the field of creativity and arts.


They are true romantics at heart and are a bit of flirts. They are good listeners and tend to be loyal and fair in relationships.

Negative Traits

They are resentful, overindulgent, spiteful, indecisive and gullible.

Compatible Signs

Gemini and Aquarius.


Latin Name: Scorpio
English Translation: The Scorpion
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Traditionally ruled by Mars, but recently Pluto was assigned as the ruler planet.
Element: Water. It is included in the fixed signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Scorpio zodiac sign is the 8th sign of the zodiac. The Scorpio people are intense, magnetic, erotic, challenging, secretive, powerful, broody, passionate, immovable and penetrating.


They love to debate and investigate things over. They cannot ask for help and solve problems and issues themselves. They like to work alone instead of in a team.


They are creative, loyal and adventurous partners. They can pick up a vibe from their partner without the partner even knowing. Thus, they are able to give their partner everything they want without ever having to ask.

Negative Traits

They are jealous, demanding and unreasonable people.

Compatible Signs

Cancer and Pisces


Latin Name: Sagittarius
English Translation: The Centaur, the Archer
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire. It is included in the mutable signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Sagittarius zodiac sign is the 9th sign of the zodiac. The Sagittarius are adventurous, hilarious, extrovert, romantics, spirited, unstoppable, generous, happy and open-minded.


They are focused, determined individuals who need a variety and intellectual jobs. They are adventurous and bring innovative and creative ideas to work. They do not like mundane day-to-day jobs and like to work under pressure.


They have an upbeat attitude in relationships and are loyal mates. They are always open and honest with their significant others.

Negative Traits

They do not forgive easily. They are tactless, vengeful and pushy.

Compatible Signs

Aries and Leo


Latin Name: Capricorn
English Translation: The Goat
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth. It is included in the cardinal signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Capricorn zodiac sign is the 10th sign of the zodiac. The Capricorn people are organized, respectful, devoted, classy, materialistic, serious, staid, ambitious and practical.


They have leadership ability and are extremely ambitious. They have good time management and follow strict timetables. They make good investment decisions and tend to become workaholics due to high ambitions.


They are not very sociable people and are strong partners in romantic relationships. They are loyal and work hard to build a strong future. They tend to be emotionally aloof and more practical.

Negative Traits

They have defeatist attitude, puts blames on others and are obstinate.

Compatible Signs

Taurus and Virgo


Latin Name: Aquarius
English Translation: The Water Bearer
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Uranus
Element: Air. It is included in the fixed signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Aquarius zodiac sign is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarius people are original, idealistic, rebellious, independent, inventors, open minded and honest.


They are analytical, serving and socially aware people. They are imaginative and excellent planners. They love working on large projects and implement new things.


They are friendly and are very loving towards their partner.

Negative Traits

They are unfaithful, cold, scattered and emotionally unavailable.

Compatible Signs

Gemini and Libra


Latin Name: Pisces
English Translation: The Fish
Symbol: ?
Ruler Planet: Neptune
Element: Water. It is included in the mutable signs.

Characteristics and Personality

The Pisces zodiac sign is the 12th sign of the zodiac. Pisceans are dreamy, erratic, creative, romantic, compassionate, elusive, imaginative, sensitive and kind people.


They follow no routine and take a lot of time to think. They are original in their ideas and are good in areas related to poetry and art.


They are deeply and strongly devoted to their partners and will put their partners needs before their own.

Negative Traits

These people are too sensitive. They may have a low self-esteem, greedy and escapist by nature.

Compatible Signs

Cancer and Scorpio.


This was all about information on zodiac characteristics and personality. You will find sun sign compatibility plays a significant role in any kind of relationship, whether it is a professional, personal, or love relationship. I hope you have enjoyed reading this article on zodiac compatibility and found some common traits that match your personality, the zodiac sign, and personalities.


Zodiac in cartoon style

zodiac constellations


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