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Disclaimers for Astrolife


Although broadly based on Indian Predictive Astrology, we request you to consider this report as an independent work of Astro Life. ASTROLIFE astrological calculations are based on scientific equations and not on any specific published almanac. Therefore, comparisons between the calculations made by ASTROLIFE and those published in almanacs are absolutely unwarranted.Astro Life shall not entertain any dispute on differences arising out of such comparisons. Astro-Life. cannot be held responsible for the decisions that may be taken by anyone based on this report.While we ensure that each report is prepared meticulously and with utmost care, we do not rule out the possibility of any unexpected errors. In case of any errors our liability is limited to the replacement ofthe report with a rectified one. The software versions and the predictive text in the reports are subject to continuous modifications, including addition of new chapters. This is necessitated by the nature of the content and our constantly evolving research findings. We have adopted ''Chitrapaksha ayanamsa'' for all our calculations as it is the most popular and widely used ayanamsa system in India. The astrological calculations and predictions may differ in case a different ayanamsa is used. There are minor variations in the systems and practices followed bydifferent regions of India and we have accommodated some of these variations in the regional language versions. As a result, the reportsgenerated in different languages may not be exact translations. Also, all the language versions are not updated simultaneously.

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