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Vaastu Guide


Hindu Ancient Science of Architecture

Vastu for Beginners

VASTU SHASTRA is an ancient Hindu practice which tells us how to  construct buildings in harmony with natural forces for the  well being of an individual as well as  humanity as a whole. This precious  Hindu philosophy forms the the basis of  the  traditional Indian system of architecture.  Vaastu literally means the dwelling place. The rules of Vaastu are derived from 'Vaastu Purusha' who is depicted as a man lying with his head pointing northeast, in a grid of usually 64 squares. The different parts and directions are assigned to different Gods and Guardians. The 'Vaastu Purusha' is said to be the spirit of the site.  Aesthetically correct dimensions of rooms, doors windows and even the structural parts like plinth and pillars can be determined on the concept of ‘Vaastu Purusha’. Vastu Purusha is described at the end.

The purpose of the vaastu  or Vaastushastra is to provide guidelines for proper construction of houses, shops, commercial buildings with brand name stores and   operating offices etc. Vaastu determines the position of the house with regard to points of a compass and suggests the points to keep in mind with respect to  buildings, lines, directions, skylines, elongations, levels, slopes, water (underground and overhead), kitchen, bedrooms, toilets, staircase, heights of ceilings and roofs, entrances, location of doors and windows, compound walls etc. etc.

The importance of Vaastu shastra lies in the fact that it is a result-oriented science and gives desired results if applied properly. Vaastushastra suggests ways in which we can live in tune with the laws of nature, so that we can be healthy, peaceful and efficiently and prosperous. 

                                                                            Vastu Purusha

According to Hindu mythology, Brahma - the creator of the universe, experimented with the creation of a new creature. He created a large cosmic man, who grew rapidly as he began to devour everything in his path to satisfy his insatiable hunger. He became so big that his shadow fell on the Earth creating a permanent eclipse. The gods Shiva and Vishnu begged Brahma to do something before everything was destroyed by this Creature. Brahma realised his mistake and called the Astha Dikapalakas, the Gods of the eight cardinal directions. Together, they overpowered the monster and held it flat against the earth. Then Brahma jumped in the middle and held the monster down. Brahma made the monster immortal with the boon that he would be worshiped by any mortal that builds a structure on earth. He was named Vastu Purusha. So, Vastu Shastra gives the directive principles regarding construction of buildings so as not to displease the Vastu Purusha. These principles are explained with the help of the diagram called the Vastu Purusha Mandala.

The diagram on your left near bottom below, known as Vastu Purusha Mandala, is a metaphysical square plan that illustrates how the Vastu Purusha was pinned down by Brahma and 45 Gods - face down, with his head to the North-East and his  feet towards the South-West. The diagram is divided into 9x9 = 81 parts. The positions of the 45 gods (32 in the external enclosures and 13 in the internal enclosures) who are holding down the Vastu Purusha are shown. These symbolic gods rule various aspects of life and have certain inherent qualities. The function of the rooms placed in each area of the house is according to the nature of the deity ruling that particular area. See the diagram on left near bottom.

According to Vastu Shastra, the house should be designed as per the Vastu Purusha Mandala so as to create a perfectly balanced environment which ensures health, wealth and happiness for its dwellers. Vastu Dosha are the faults in the planning of the house. For example :  Northeast is a sacred area. This is where the head of the Vastu Purusha is located. This area is ruled by the benefic Guru (Jupiter). But if there is a toilet or a bathroom in this area, it will create disharmony and imbalance resulting in difficulties for the dwellers.

Ideal situations of houses, rooms and buildings according to Vastu Shastra.
According to this science, an ideal plot should be a square. Its  all four sides are straight and equal in length and it has equal angle of 90 degree at all four corners. Square is the best shape of a plot.   A rectangular plot having its length not more that double the breadth (length and breadth ratio not more than 1:2) is also a good plot. While selecting a plot,  geographical surrondings & level of the land and roads around the plot must given due importance

Directions of a plot can be determined by  using a magnetic compass. It is a device for finding direction. It has a freely moving needle which always points to the magnetic North. Make two lines crossing each other dividing a paper in four equal parts at 90-degree angle. Place a compass on paper in the middle of your plot and align it with two lines in the North and the South of the needle of the compass. Extend these lines on the plot and mark it to have exact direction.

The size of length, breadth  both effect the fortune of the person who lives in it. The Southwest portion of the house is meant for bedroom for adults. It may be located in the South, and will be congenial for comfortable living. Master bedroom may be on the upper storey, if any, in the Southwest portion of the house.  Direction of a person while sleeping also has importance in Vaastushastra. One should never sleep having head towards the North Pole and legs towards the South Pole. However one may sleep having legs towards the West and head towards the East for mental peace, good thoughts and spirituality. 

Children room should be in the northwest or West Side. To have a better concentration they should have a separate study close to their bedrooms.  Location of kitchen has health implications. Presiding deity of the Southeast is Agni, the God of fire; hence kitchen may be located  the southeast corner of the house.    

The dining room should be located in the East or the West or the North near the kitchen. Northwest corner is good for perishable goods. Dinning room may be in the Northwest direction, which leads to quicker consumption of food. Drawing room should be preferably in the Northeast or the North or the East but not in the Southwest portion of the house. More vacant space should be given in the Northeast corner of the drawing room. Door is preferable on the East towards the Northeast side. 

While studying, one should face the North or the East or the Northeast  Therefore the best locations for study room are the north, east, or northeast. These directions attract the positive effects of Mercury increasing brain power, Jupiter increasing wisdom, Sun increasing ambition and Venus helps in bringing about creativity in new thoughts and ideas.  Books may be kept in the Southwest side of the room. Study room may have door on the East or the North, or the Northeast 

As per Vaastushastra, the East is the place for the bathroom. Attached bathroom may preferably be in the North, or the East of a bedroom. Shower, bathing tub and wash basin in the bathroom may be in the Northeast, or the North or the East direction. One may have bath in the North or the East area in the bathroom. Bathroom should never be constructed in the center or in the southwest corner of the house.
Storeroom should be made in the Northwest or Southwest portion of the house. It is very beneficial if grains and other provisions are stored in the Northwest store. All heavy things should be kept in the Southwest of the storeroom. Garbage may be collected in the Southern part of the house.


Follow These Best Vastu Tips and See the Good Results Yourself

# Keep all electrical and heat generating appliances in the SE corner of the room.

# Do not construct kitchen, toilets and prayer room (puja-room) next to one another.

# The kitchen should not be directly in front of the main door.

# Do not keep broken mirrors, and watches and electrical gadgets, computers, electronic items etc. which are either lying idle or out of order in the house.

# Mirrors, sinks, wash-basins and taps should preferably be along the NE wall.

# The safe should open towards the north or the east. So, keep it along south or the west.

# The toilet seat should preferably be along the North-South axis. The septic tank can be in the NW or the SE corner of the House.

# Avoid having garbage dump, street-light pole, or boulders in front of the main gate or door.

# Your main door should not be opposite the main door of another house.

# The number of doors and windows should be more on the ground floor and less on the upper floor.

# The image of Gajalaxmi at the main door is considered auspicious.

# The north-east corner is the face house and should always be kept clean.

# While cleaning the floor with any disinfectant, a little  sea salt should be added.

# Students should study facing the north or east.

# Do not sit or sleep under a beam.

# Do not keep or hang  paintings depicting war, crime, violence, unrest, agony or distress.

# Construct the front door in such a manner as to avoid the fall of a shadow on it.

# Grow a tulsi or basil plant in front of the house.

# Do not have any cactus in the house. Having it outside the boundry is good.

# Rain water or drainage should flow towards NE-East-North.

# Material to be used in the construction of a house or even commercial building should always be new, except when renovating.

# Elderly people are always more comfortable in the South-West corner.

# The height of the building should reduced from the SW to the NE.

# Walls along the SW should be thicker as compared to walls along the NE.

# Bhumi-pujan ceremony should be performed before commencing the construction of a new house and Griha-pravesh ceremony before shifting into it.

#  Do not have a toilet or prayer room (puja room) under a staircase.

# Do not dig well in the middle of a house or plot. It  is very inauspicious.


The Best Guide to Vastu Shastra for your Home

What if you could improve your life and home while encouraging calm, peace, and prosperity? Sound good? Inviting the principles of Vastu Shastra into your home and your garden could help ensure a lifetime of radiant, positive, joyous energy.

What is Vastu Shastra?
An ancient, traditional Indian architectural science, Vastu Shastra is a guide for designing your home so that it enhances positive energy while reducing or eliminating negative energy. The more you surround yourself with positive energies, the more abundance you will attract.

According to Vastu Shastra, how your house is aligned can attract positivity and peace, or the opposite. The fundamentals of this science work to balance five natural elements, or energy sources: earth, air, sky, fire, and water, to help you achieve positive life goals and ensure peace, success, and health for your family.

How does this happen? The guidelines center around your home’s design, layout, measurements, and geometrical coordinates. Once those are aligned, you can create the aura you’re desiring: peace and harmony.

If you’re designing and building a home and align architecture and spatial orientation with Vastu guidelines, you could banish negative energies from entering the home, according to this traditional Hindu practice. If you’re already living in a home, there are some things you can do to re-arrange and align according to Vastu guidelines, giving your home a “Vastu touch.”

Some of the principles of Vastu may not be possible, since many of us now live in apartment complexes or condos, but there are some things we can do to attract positive energy into our living spaces. Vastu is translated as “dwelling,” and shastra is believed to translate to “teaching.”


When you put the Vastu touch on your home, you’ll invite positive energy and happiness into your space. Every room in your house has specific importance, orientation, and use for energy balance. Using Vastu guidance, you can align decorations and furnishings so there is harmony with the universal, natural elements that produce energy.

One of the guiding tenets of Vastu spells out that for each amount of positive energy in this universe, there is an equal, corresponding negative energy. The goal of Vastu is to keep negative energies from entering your home.

Each of the five natural elements (energy) has significance in Hindu tradition and also has a dominant direction.

Earth (Prithvi) dominates the center and diagonal directions of each corner and is synonymous with stability and patience. Prithvi is the Sanskrit name for Earth and also is a Hindu goddess.
Air (Vayu) brings fun and happiness to life, and its dominating direction is East. Vayu, the Sandskrit word for air, is also a primary Hindu deity and the lord of the winds.

Water (Jal) is the energy of immunity, spirituality, and health. It’s one of the biggest supporting elements of human life and it dominates the North.
Space (Akasha) is responsible for cognitive energy, mental space, and expansion and is responsible for social energies. Space dominates the West.
Fire (Agni) is the energy of money, power, confidence, and success and dominates the South.
When you can boost and balance these energies in your home, it benefits you and everyone who lives there.

Vastu for Your Home and Life

Though you may not be able to pick up your house and move it to realign it according to direction, there are easy ways to bring Vastu into your home.

For instance, you can create good energy at your front door, the gateway to the flow of positivity. Make sure you have no obstructions in front of the door and ensure it’s a strong wooden door with no rusty hardware or peeling paint. You can also grow citrus fruit trees at the entrance (perhaps in a pot) to invite good health and energy into your home.

Vastu Tips for Financial Prosperity At Home

You can attract financial prosperity to your home and life by following some of these time-honored Vastu guidelines. Money is intertwined with harmony, abundance, and social status, so attracting more money is important for many people. The Indian culture identifies money as a form of the goddess Lakshmi.

Placing a money box (or jewelry box) aligned with Vastu guidelines helps keep money flowing in. Your cash-box must be positioned close to the Southwest or Southern wall of a room so that it opens to the North. It is believed that when the cash box door keeps opening to the North, the lord of wealth, Kuber (who resides in a northern direction), refills the cash box.

Make sure you repair leaking faucets or other plumbing to avoid financial losses, according to Vastu tradition. Keeping a good airflow in your house also leads to a better flow of wealth, according to Vastu, and wind chimes at entrances can invite more cash flow. You can also keep a flute in the house to ward off financial issues.
 Vastu Tips for Good Health

Want better health? According to Vastu Shastra, there are things you can do to attract good energy and good health. One of the Vastu guides for sound slumber is to sleep with your head toward the South or West. Also, don’t place mirrors on walls opposite to the bed. Mirrors that reflect a sleeping person can create a drain of energy or cause problems, including sickness.

Also, you can invite a free flow of energy in your house by leaving the center of the living space empty, or with light furnishings only.

Pay heed to the fire element, because an imbalance can cause sickness in your home, according to Vastu tradition. To achieve balance, light a candle, a diya lamp, or fireplace in the Southeast or Northwest direction of the house. If someone in the home does become sick, keep a candle burning in the room to help the person recover more quickly, Vastu tradition advises.

Another health guide of Vastu is to make certain that your bathroom energy and kitchen energy don’t mix up, keep them at opposite sides of the house, and if they’re opposite, close doors to the kitchen and bathroom. When you’re drinking water, face toward the Northeast or East.

Those living in a Vastu home also keep a picture of Lord Hanuman (the protector of health) with the picture facing toward the south of the house.

Vastu Tips for Improving Family Relationships

We have some Vastu tips for improving your relationship with family members, too. Tradition says to bring happiness, place joyous pictures of your family in the Northeast part of your home. Don’t hang any violent images in your home, as this attracts negative energy.

If any relationships are hitting rough spots, try putting a white sandalwood statue in a clear view, to be seen multiple times a day. This, according to Hindu tradition, will ease tensions and attract more harmonious relationships.

If male family members are having a dispute, try bringing a small branch of Kadamba tree into your home to ease tensions. If the dispute is among female members of your family, tradition states, those people should not wear red clothes at the same time or red attire to the same event or occasion.

Vastu also suggests hanging a wind chime with crystals in the bedroom to minimize any troubles or fights.

Vastu Shastra Tips Room by Room

In keeping a Vastu home, you can go from room to room and make some changes to attract more of the positive elements while reducing negative energy.


Your bedroom is your haven for rest. If possible, locate your bedroom in the South, Southwest, or West directions. If you’re an elder of the house, do not sleep in the Northwest-corner bedroom, as tradition says this can influence health or money issues.

The Northeast corner bedroom isn’t ideal, either, and Vastu recommends it also not be used as the main room. Vastu encourages no bedrooms at East or North directions, either. A Southwest direction is considered the best location for a bedroom, bringing good health, peace, optimism, and well-being.

Once you have the optimum directional location (if possible), decorate to your style. To bring positive energy for body and mind, use bright colors and earthy shades on bedroom walls (pinks, greens, grays, chocolate, or dark blue shades but not white, yellow or black colors). Keep bedrooms free of clutter to optimize positive energy.

Additional Vastu tips for your bedroom include keeping the door mostly open to channel positive energy into the room and positioning the bed in the Southwest corner of the room. Vastu tradition calls for couples to use a single mattress on the bed, with the wife sleeping on the left side of the bed.

If you hang a mirror in your bedroom, make sure it doesn’t reflect your bed or anyone in it, which according to tradition can result in domestic arguments or fights.

Living Room

Your living room is an important part of the home because it’s open to a lot of different energies. Family members and guests bring in varied energies, which can be both positive and negative. When entertaining, Vastu suggests, the host should face to the North or to the East, and have guests sitting opposite of the host. So, when arranging your living room furniture, keep this in mind. Electronics should face south, which is the direction of fire, to encourage positive energy flow.

Ideally, if a home’s main entrance faces East or North, the living room should be on the Northeast side of your home. If the home faces West, the living room should be on the Northwest side of the house. For a home whose entrance faces South, the living room should be located in the Southeast direction.

Vastu calls for an uncluttered living room with soothing-sounding wind chimes hanging from the windows to fight negative energy. Paintings showing water, rivers or fish, or an aquarium with healthy fish, can invite luck and positive energy.

Arrange heavy furniture like sofas along the Southwest corner of your living room for optimum positive energy flow.


If you can, Vastu guidelines suggest positioning your kitchen in the Southwest corner or Northwest corner of your home in honor of Agni, the lord of fire. Burners and stoves should face South.

Other Vastu kitchen tips include locating the drinking water on the northeast side. Vastu also suggests that homeowners position the kitchen as far away from the bedroom as possible because of the mingling of different energies.


You can practice the spatial arrangement traditions of Vastu in your garden, too. The courtyard holds significance and should be the center point of your house (if you are building one). It should be kept clean and free of obstructions. Try to build your courtyard floor of concrete, pebbles or marble, and decorate it with planters of basil and other herbs.

Vastu Shastra encourages growing plants considered prosperous and pleasing. These plants include coconut, basil, jasmine, sandalwood, saffron, pineapple, bakul, pomegranate, frangipani (plumeria), lemon, mango, and almond.

General Vastu guidelines for your garden include creating a tranquil, peaceful garden of healthy and well-maintained plants. It’s considered prosperous to plant jasmine on both sides of your pathway. Keep your garden looking clean and provide a pot of water for thirsty birds to create good karma.

In your Vastu garden, don’t plant cactus and other thorny plants because they’re considered to weaken and cause tension in relationships. Don’t bring bonsai plants into your garden because they’re synonymous with stunted growth. Clear all dead plants and leaves from the garden.

Invite Peace and Harmony into your Home
Making these changes to your home can result in a more positive vibe in your house, according to the cherished traditions of Vastu Shastra. Balancing the five energies of earth, water, air, space, and fire can result in a more cheerful, prosperous, and joyous energy in your home and in your life.

Credit: The above article has been written by Rocio Espinoza of www.porch.com. It has been reproduced here in full with her permission and recommendation.