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Astrology (Vedic & KP)

Astrology is the prediction of a certain event in an individual's life based on the time of birth. These methods have been followed in the Hindu system for thousands of years. The traditional astrology is called Vedic astrology and then KP Astrology has evolved in the following era. There are certain differences in both these types of Astrology. Given below are some of them. One can also become an expert and choose it as a profession if he/she completes a Diploma in Astrology through traditional or online mode. 

What is Horoscope and How it help us.
Horoscope is a map of heavens for the given moment at a particular place when you were born. At that moment the planets of the solar system were in a particular relation to the time and place of your birth. Your horoscope shows the characteristics, qualities, abilities and weanesses in your personality. It presents a pattern of the sort of problems which you are likely to face in life. It gives indications of the sort of situations you will face and tackle.  Your horoscope can help you to better understand yourself and give you an indication about your future. It also provides information about your career, romance and relationships, money matters, health, family and other aspects of life. Your complete vedic horoscope with predictions will include Remedies/Solutions.

What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish or Indian astrology is based on the observation of Vedic sages that cosmic objects like planets, moon, stars, and moon have influences on a person’s life. They are based on the time of birth of an individual. Vedic Astrology originated from the oldest Veda called Rig Veda. During later times, it is published in the form of books. Now, there are also eminent institutions similar to the Astrolife.online which provide courses and degrees for those interested in learning Vedic Astrology. 

What is KP Astrology?

As advances in technology impact every field, the impact is also observed in the field of astrology. KP Astrology is the software that is used to make astrological predictions. It was discovered by the great Indian Astrologer, Late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. KP astrology deals with the study of Nakshatras or stars and the parameters based on them to makes predictions in one’s life. There are several professionally managed institutions similar to Astrolife.online which provide courses to become an expert in KP astrology system. 

Benefits of a KP Horoscope

  • KP horoscope predictions are pinpointed and precise.
  • Due to the specific approach that this branch follows, it fairly increases the accuracy factor in predictions. KP astrology marriage prediction is something that is much sought after, as it gives a very vivid picture of the quality of marital relationship that an individual is slated to have with his/her partner.
  • It specifies favourable periods in terms of financials in a persons life and cautions the individual about bad periods before hand, so that any major financial investment or new venture must be avoided during that.
  • Surprisingly, as far as education is concerned, it analyzes the bent of mind of the child and reveals the fields that are likely to provide the student with maximum opportunities in terms of career success!
  • Last but not the least, it predicts the condition of health over the entire lifespan of an individual, disclosing even the name of diseases that are signified, if at all in one horoscope.

What are the other major differences between Vedic Astrology and KP Astrology?

These are some of the differences between Vedic astrology and KP astrology. When you Learn Astrology, you can be clearer about these differences.

•  In Vedic astrology, the predictions seem to be the same for the people born with same lagna/rasi. But, in the real world, they do not possess the same character traits.

•  Vedic astrology is used to predict future according to the change of houses, while KP astrology predicts future events through cups (the connecting nodes of two houses).

•  KP astrology gives importance to the Stars or Nakshatras or Constellation divisions of the Zodiac and that serves the desired purpose for precision.

•  They are further divided into 9 divisions and named ‘SUBS’. These are not equal in Vedic astrology, but they are equal in the case of KP astrology.

•  KP Astrology uses K.P. Ayanamshas as opposed to Lahiri Ayanamshas which is generally used in Vedic System. These two differ by 6 minutes.

•  According to KP Astrology, the planets in their Dasha give outcomes as per their Nakshatra Swami instead of the planet itself.

Irrespective of differences in these two types of astrology, they are generally used to predict the nature, the character or the events that may occur in the life of a person. It is recommended to consider astrological principles during crucial events of life to prevent mishaps from happening and to live a peaceful life.


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